Southwest Metal Products is located in Windsor, Ontario convenient to all North American Customers. Southwest Metal produces parts by cold forging carbon and alloy steel. Forgings produced range up to 4" diameter maximum and 16" long. Part volumes range from a minimum of 5,000 pieces per year to over 500,000 pieces per year.
Parts are cold forged on our presses ranging from 60 to 800 ton capacity. Product is supplied to companies though out Canada and the U.S. including Fortune 500 OEM's, the aftermarket and Tier 1, 2 and 3 companies. Typical parts include, but are not limited to: Cold forging of axles, bits, clutch hubs, gears, pins, pinions, step and intermediate shafts, and sleeves. We operate our own sawing facility and affiliated machine and die shop for all our tooling requirements.
Cold Forging "cups"

Cost Savings
Southwest Metal Products expertise is designing the optimum forging with the least machine stock possible helps to achieve maximum cold forging cost savings. We will design a part based on…

Cold forgings supplied to exacting quality standards with deliveries tailored to suit customers requirements. Provide your current part drawings and we will develop a proposal to provide the most economical…

Company Profile
Southwest Metal Products was incorporated in Windsor, Ontario with one 250 ton cold forging press in 1989. Today, Southwest after experiencing several expansions, operates twelve cold forging presses supported by…